Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Journey of Working Outside of Our Home

I started working outside of our home, weekends and one night a week, to raise money for our adoption.  At first I felt like I was abandoning my family.  I worried about my kids being fed, having their basic needs being met, and even about our daughter getting to gymnastic class on time.  How would she get her hair done?  Would she be dressed in her leotard?  The little details of life that I thought about every time I left the house with the girls were in my head and how would they get met.  Not only that, but I felt that I would be missing our on their lives.  I wouldn’t be there.  This saddened me tremendously.  I cried and argued with God.  I didn’t understand why I had to go and work outside of our home.  I knew that we needed money for our adoption, but I didn’t know at what cost to my family. 

            We started praying about me getting a job.  We prayed that if God didn’t want me to work outside of our home that I wouldn’t get a call for an interview.  Two days later, I got a call for an interview.  We prayed that if God didn’t want me to get the job that it would not be offered to me.  The job was offered to me.  The hours were perfect so that my husband would be home for childcare.  It was a job that I could do without much worry.  It seemed like a good fit for me, but what about my family?  The night before my first day of orientation I was at Bible study.  The leader of the group was closing in prayer.  As she prayed I felt God’s presence.  I had a peace and I felt God telling me to trust Him.

            I started my new job trying to trust God, but still struggling with worries about my kids.  Now after a couple of months I’ve found a new sense of pride in my husband.  I think that God saw him for all that he is.   I just needed to get out of the way so that he could be the husband/dad that he was meant to be.  As I stepped back a little, he was able to step forward.  He takes care of the girls while I’m working, not always the way I would, but he’s not me.  He does it in his own way.  All those little details that I worried about are taken care of in ways that I hadn’t expected.  I found out that my daughter can put her own hair in a ponytail if she has to, and she can tell her daddy what she needs and even more of what she doesn’t need, but just wants. 

            Not only is he an amazing Dad, but he’s also an amazing husband.  He helps me get a break even if I’m not working.  If I need a nap he takes the girls out for a while.  He also helps me around the house by clearing off the table after dinner, vacuuming, and picking up the living room.  (Yes, I will admit that our house is usually a mess, but that’s life with two little ones whether I’m working outside of our home or not).  He continually is buying milk and diapers on his way home from work which may not seem like much, but it is.   I am still adjusting to the busyness of life, but I am so proud of my husband!  He even reads the girls a story out of their kid Bible almost every night before bed.  He also is willing to pray with me and gives me sound biblical godly advice.  I really have a growing love and appreciation for my husband.  I feel really blessed to have him in my life.

            During our whole adoption process I’ve been praying that God would prepare our family for this adoption.  I’ve also been praying for our marriage.  I really feel like God is answering my prayers.  It’s not the way I would have chosen for myself, but God knows everything and His ways are the best.  I will always struggle with things, but I trust God in His pure goodness that He will guide me and show me the way to go.  And I thank my husband for just being who he is, I love you!


  1. Thanks Babes.... I love you too :)
    -Your hubby

  2. I understand your struggles, Beth. It's hard to let go of your parental duties and go out of your house to work. However, your trust helped you adjust to your situation. With regards to your adoption, I wish you'd be able to gather the funds that you need. I'm sure all your sacrifices and hardwork will be worth it after the adoption is approved. Good luck! Stay strong! :)

    Sandra Walker @
